Monday, December 31, 2012

Something I have been dreading

I have neglected my blog.
I was thinking about this fact today and I discovered what I think is the reason.
I have nothing to say.

So here's a video of a moment that I dread but that hopefully will turn out as wonderful as this...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I've said Hello and Goodbye

It has finally (almost) come to an end. The first semester of my college experience.
This semester has been quite eventful. I have met so many wonderful people and made many lasting friendships.  At the same time I have said goodbye to some amazing people.  One of my best friends passed away.  I am also getting ready to say goodbye to many people I have met up here.  I feel like I just met them and it is already time to say goodbye.  I am so grateful for the lasting friendships I have gained over the past few short months. Also this semester I have had one job, quit that job, gotten a different job, been accepted to be on A-Team next year, had a calling, and I have also learned a lot about myself.  I am so excited to continue going to school up here.  Utah State University has literally been the best decision I have ever made.
The boys gave each other haircuts

My dear friend Elder Johnson

Went and saw I Believe in Christmas with some amazing friends

Christian, one of my first friends up here was an elf in the play

Missed this kid a lot and was so happy when I saw him again

we have lots of fun... and Christian stole my phone

My roommates enjoying the pleasures of an evening to relax

Another dear friend Elder Lant, Had to say goodbye to him

met one of my hero's Michael McLean

Went bowling and surprised myself with my score

Some amazing people, the last time all of them will be together

Date night gingerbread house decorating contest

late night McDonalds run

another boy I have missed a lot since moving
life is good

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How terrible it is to love something death can touch

Today I lost a dear friend.
Tiffany was and is one of the most amazing people I have had the privilege of knowing.  She had the brightest smile and was so caring.  I loved going to lacrosse games with her and seeing her when she would come visit my sewing class.  She was such a sweetheart.  I love her to pieces and know I would not be where I am today if it weren't for her. She helped pull me through the passing of my father and she taught me how to be happy through the hardest times.  Word cannot describe the pain I have felt hearing of her passing.  Tiffany touched my heart, and I have been forever changed.
I love you Tiff!

How terrible it is to love something death can touch.

Friday, November 30, 2012

"Trashbagging" Old Main

This is my first ever video blog... Had so much fun playing around! I just love spur of the moment random dangerous things!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am Never Alone, It's been a Year

Yesterday it was less then a year.  Tomorrow it will be more than a year.
But today it has been ONE year.
Every time I have looked at the time today all I can do is remember exactly where I was this day last year.  I have relived every moment of 11/18/2011 in my mind today.  
I realize some of you who may be reading this might not know the significance of this date in my life. A year ago today my best friend, my comforter, my protector, my daddy passed away. 
Words cannot describe the despair I have felt, the moments of weakness I have suffered, the nights I have cried myself to sleep.  Through it all the one thing that has kept me going is the knowledge that my family is forever.  That my daddy is here with me still my best friend, still my comforter, still my protector, still my daddy.  
Despite this knowledge this year has been a tough one.  I think about all the moments in my life that I wish my daddy could be there for; my wedding, when I have kids, graduate from college, get my first house... Then I think of how many things have happened in my life in just the last year that I wish he could have been there for; moving to college, turning 18, speaking at high school graduation... Then when I am thinking about speaking at graduation I think of how I did that for him.  How he told me one of his biggest dreams was to see one of his kids speak at graduation.  Which leads me to think about all the amazing blessings that have come from this trial.  I have learned so much about myself.  I have developed an unshakable testimony of eternal families, the power of the priesthood and faith.  I have learned how to relate to people who have gone through this like I have.  I have discovered what I want to be when I grow up.  
To this day, when I spend nights at home I still think my dad just hasn't come home from work yet.  That he will pull up in the driveway.   Sometimes all I want is my daddy to hold me in his arms and hug me.  Honestly, words cant and never will describe how I feel about the loss of my dad-and there's only one person who will understand.  
My dad sent me this song in an e-mail once, I now find it one of the most comforting things he left for me.  
I miss my dad more than words can describe.  But I really do know that I am Never Alone, he is always nearby.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


My feelings on the outcome of today's Presidential Election are the same as released by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.

After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.

We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service. We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors.

God Bless America

Monday, November 5, 2012

Count your Blessings

November is a great month to be thankful for all you have in your life.  On thing I am grateful for is the fact that I have always had a roof over my head, unfortunately  some people don't have that luxury.   I am currently serving as the Fundraising Chair for Utah Sate University's campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity.  Currently we are in a big push of fundraising money to go on a build to help people who might need a little help getting a roof over their heads. Tomorrow November 6th we are having a donation night at Logan's Texas Roadhouse.  If you print off the flyer and give it to your waiter/waitress 10% of your bill will go directly to Habitat for Humanity on campus.  I would be really grateful if you would all attend if you can.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Frau Miskin would be proud!

Well work.  The word its self intones so many things.  Today I had an interesting day at work.  First off I answered lots of weird calls, and called some weird people too.  One call that I sent out came back as the number to the "Mental Health Hotline" which then gave me options to further my treatment.  It is also surprising to me more and more the strange things people name their children.  Its like, do you want your child to be beat up for the rest of their life? But honestly.. The kicker of today was I took a German call.  The boy who sits next to me has gotten lots of Spanish calls which is great since he speaks Spanish   During training I mentioned passingly that I spoke some German, my trainer responded that I would probably never use it. Well today I did.  This kind old man answered my call with Guttentag and then asked Sprechen Sie Deutsche? To which I happily responded ya. I then commenced, with my little remaining German knowledge, to convince him to pay off the entirety of his loan! You should have seen the look on my co-workers faces! Mouths dropped, and people stared.  And then when they found out I made the collection? Shock was the expression on everyone's faces! Haha made my day! The man was really so nice to me... even though it took me about 4 tries to say anything.

Well that's work for ya!

Gutten nacht!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tomorrow, Everything Changes.

I start my new job.
I am so excited and so blessed to have this opportunity.
It is hard to find a job in Logan.
This is my first FULL TIME job.
I am nervous.
I am super excited.
Its going to be a long day.

18 credits
and a full time job
plus 2 council positions in the service center
Am I crazy?

Monday, October 15, 2012

So I met this boy....

The week before I started my Freshman year of college up here at USU I went to Aggie Blue Leadership Training.  There I met this great boy named Christian Hobbs. We shortly became good friends.  We went to the USU vs UNLV football game and sat together.  Christian had told me he was from Preston Idaho so I asked him if he ever went to Franklin Idaho.  He seemed surprised and told me he was from Franklin (which is a small town of 643 people). I told him I had been to a family reunion there once because my family was the family that originally settled Franklin. He seemed even more shocked and exclaimed that his family had founded Franklin as well.  After a few calls at the beginning of the next week with my lovely grandmother I discovered that Samuel Rose Parkinson is my great some-what-odd grandfather who was asked by Brigham Young to settle Franklin.  I sent a text to Christian asking if the name Parkinson rang a bell. He called me and asked me if I was joking, when I replied no he told me he was a Parkinson too!
Crazy right?
So as far as we can tell Samuel Rose is about where the families split.
So about 5 generations back
with 3 name changes
and an adoption thrown in there
we are related.

Its a small small world (:
yup, this pretty much defines our relationship

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dresses for All

Well it has been one of those really rough days in the land of Maegan.  It has been long, exhausting, and just overall stressful. And it isn't even class that has got me down, its life. Money especially.  I had to go grocery shopping so that was an adventure. That is why I want to win this contest from my favorite on-line clothing company ever! It is called Shabby Apple.  Here is a link if you to want to enter the contest A Year of Free Dresses

And with that have a marvelous night!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Today in between sessions of conference I decided to stick to my tradition of making a batch of sugar cookies. Little did I know that this would lead to making a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Little did I know that this would then lead to making a batch of ginger snaps.  In total we made 182 cookies. You could say I have missed Sunday baking sessions. Thanks to Lauren, Kevin and Mitchell for helping in my endeavor.

BBFFTAAE for bestest best friends for time and all eternity :)

Heeeeyyyyy!! This is Lauren. Maegan's bestest best friend. Like ever. :) So, I'm not really creative this way, so we'll see how this goes, yes? Ok. I've been home this weekend for general conference and the announcement about the missionary age change kinda blew my mind! I turn 19 in six months and it's super weird that I could go on a mission if I choose. We'll see about that, I guess :) I shall be pondering that in my heart.
Time for a random subject change! I'm in LOVE with dancing!!! It has become my passion. The more I practice, the more I just want to keep doing it :) Currently, waltz is my favorite, but it changes approximately every 2.3 hours, give or take 47 minutes... One day, I hope to be on the BYU ballroom team. It's been my dream since I was 14 when I first saw them perform. That concert convinced me to give up ballet for ballroom :) By the way, I love smiley faces :) Like a lot :) Just so you know :D
Hmm, what random things to say next... I bought my first ever pairs of skinny jeans today! Wahoo! They're bright red and dark green. That was pretty exciting! Except the first pair I tried on was too tight... stupid dancer calves and lack of a butt... :P
If you're still reading this, I'm very impressed with you! Congrats, you're now my new favorite person :) But not as favorite as Maegan, of course. She's my favoritest. Anyways, sorry I'm not very creative this evening. I should probably sleep more. Maybe I wouldn't fall asleep in chemistry every time...I guess that's enough of my dorkiness for you! Hope you enjoyed my post full of randomness and my lovely quirks. That's all folks! :)
(this is the reason we are bestest friends forever)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Susan Glenn

"She is not A GIRL, she is THE GIRL"

Last week I went to a follow up session for Aggie Blue.  Christian Thrapp gave a wonderful lecture to us about "Susan Glenn".  Basically he compared the girl in this video to our goals and ambitions for life.  He challenged us all to never look back and think "If I could go back I would do things differently."

So... I was thinking about what my "Susan Glenn" is... and honestly I don't think I know quite yet.  I do know that I want to make a difference.  I do not want to sit idly by and watch as the world changes around me.  I want to be the change.  My "Susan Glenn" is still to be discovered, but I am doing my best to find my passion, my ambition, my goal for life.

Here's to finding your own "Susan Glenn"
to living the life you always wanted to live.

Sunday, September 30, 2012



Maegan is a person that your life will change with a positive effect. The impact she has on your life will make you question if heaven is worth going to if you already have it beside you constantly. Her heart is big, with no hatred at all inside of it only 100% love. She is lovable and a role model for all to be ideally perfect. Her looks will make you believe that God has sent an angel to you.

This is what we do on Sunday nights

Monday, September 24, 2012

I feel obligated...

My beautiful sister Lauren tagged me in a blog post today so I feel somewhat obligated to participate.

1)) Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
2)) They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger
3)) They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers
4)) They must tag blogs with less than 200 followers
5)) No tag backs

Random facts:
1.  I love nothing more then playing the piano
2.  I love to play with little kids
3.  I have an obsession with popcorn
4.  I love to paint my nails
5.  I enjoy picking off my nail polish just as much as I love to paint them
6.  I hate seeing random hairs on peoples clothes
7.  my heart is currently broken
8.  I love diet coke. with lime.
9.  cooking is my passion
10. pomegranates. love.
11. I will own a dalmatian one day

Lauren's Questions

1. If you could travel to any place, right now, where would you go? London England!
2. What is your favorite sport to watch? To play? FOOTBALL, soccer
3. Where do you see yourself in 7.5 years? graduated, married, kids or traveling
4. What is your favorite time of day? the sudden burst of energy right before bed
5. If you could have a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy? I'd just shop (:
6. When and where did we meet? well we are sisters....
7. What color would you say your mood is right now? macaroni and cheese
8. If you were stuck on a deserted island and had to choose one person to be with you, who would it be? MY sister!!!!
9. What is your view of socks? i love my socks... i wear them all the time
10. Where's Waldo? currently looking for a new shirt...
11. Name three things you love about yourself. my hair, my eyes, and myself (:

My questions for my followers
1. Whats your favorite movie?
2. Apples or oranges?
3. Favorite Disney movie quote?
4. Mac or PC?
5. Does the itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini have yellow polka dots or is it yellow?
6. Whats your dream job?
7. What shampoo do you use?
8.  If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
9. What is your favorite flower?
10. Where are you typing this from?
11. Ice cream of popcorn?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wine after Whiskey Carrie Underwood

Once upon a time our world was on fire and I loved to watch it burn
Wild and reckless, never any limits, guess I had a lot to learn
Cause fire turns to ember, embers to ashes that blow away too soon

Now everything’s after you is like having wine after whiskey f
It went from do anything for you babe to you don’t even miss me
Once you’ve tasted a love that strong you can’t go back
And you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

Looking back I guess it was really for the best, still you’re something that I crave
Even though I know it was right to let you go. You’re a habit hard to break
I got used to being high and nothing that I try seems good enough right now

Now everything’s after you is like having wine after whiskey
It went from do anything for you babe to you don’t even miss me
Once you’ve tasted a love that strong you can’t go back
And you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

It’s also watered down like having wine after whiskey
It went from do anything for you babe to you don’t even miss me
Once you’ve tasted a love that strong
You can’t go back and you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

Once you’ve tasted a love that strong you can’t go back
And you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

I feel used, lied to , and stupid. 
But I know that it was not meant to be.
I have learned from my mistakes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It died.

My phone has died. That is right it is dead! Occasionally I can get a text but not often.  I went to the Verizon store yesterday and they told me that there was nothing they could do to help me, removed a bunch of apps and sent me home.  Now my phone is unusable.   So! I took a survey online about the company and explained my disdain. Sure enough this morning I received a call when I was in my water aerobics from the Manager (I believe) of the Draper Verizon store.  He left a voice mail explaining that he had received my review and wanted me to come in today and they would do whatever it took to fix my problem and that he had tried to call me a couple times before it went through.  Then while listening to said message my phone did what it has been doing and spazzed, started pressing random things on my screen and deleted the message.  So, not only am I not in sandy or at a point where I could drive down there and figure out who it was that called but I also no longer have the message to find the guys name or number.  Talk about a major downer! haha

So moral of the story is always express your feelings and you will get what you want from a company ;)

Anyways, now I am virtually unreachable via my phone so FB is where its at!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It turned out NOT to be a day of Labor

Well this last weekend was Labor Day! So I went home. Yeah I know. Exciting. But really it was! Before I tell you all about my weekend here is a little update on campus life...
So REAL classes have started and I made it through the first week! HUZZAH! But really it was amazing! I have been having so much fun! There always seems to be something going on up here so there is never a dull moment.  So last week I went to the USU VS. SUU Football game which we won. (Makes me feel just a tiny bit better about choosing USU over SUU.

And then on Friday was the 80's dance! It was so much fun! Me and Jaylen were the only ones who were still up here so we went together and then walked over to the quad to check out true aggie night ;)

Then on Saturday I went home.  I really did not do much that day... hung out at home, went to lunch at Pei Wei, and hung out with my mom.  That night I went to my dear friend Mitch's house and played a fabulous game called "mole" don't worry if you have never played it they kinda came up with it on their own.  During this game I was escaping from jail and I sprinted full on into a sliding glass door. And I hit hard.  My face (nose), knee, shoulder, and toes all got bruised a lovely shade of purple.  It was so much fun!! Haha and then I got stuck in the window well... I was trying to climb through the basement window and I got stuck. HA! But really.... it was so much fun.  Sunday I went to church in my "home ward".  It was so much fun to see some of my friends! I went to Sunday School with Shayna, Paxton, Weston, Spencer, and Devon.  I have never gone to that class because I was always in Nursery.  I really did enjoy that. Monday was Labor day! And I did nothing. Well I guess I did do my laundry. I really did enjoy just spending some time with my mom lounging around into the afternoon.  Then I went to my family party and brought Mitch with me.  It was a new experience for me, bringing a friend to a family party.  But I really did enjoy it!  We had fun eating, exploring, playing Ping Pong and talking with my family.  It was funny to see what he thought of my Grandparents house.  I have been going there for years.  But he, who was an outsider, was amazed at some of the stuff around the house.  He was enamored with the back yard and the idea that it has a creek running through the back. So while he was taking a panoramic picture, I took a picture of him (hehe he still doesn't know this!)

So now I am back in Logan and I just finished my classes for the day. Tonight Laur and Jer are coming over for dinner.  

Today is also one of my roommates birthday!  Today we surprised her with a cake, roses and a balloon. I just love this girl to pieces even though I have not known her for very long.  She is just a little ball of energy and is so much fun to be around.  She always keeps us on our toes and always has something funny to say.  I love this girl more and more every day! Have a happy birthday Jaylen!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well I did it! I attended my first big college thing!  I went to this amazing leadership conference called Aggie Blue!  It was so much fun.  Not only did I get to meet some amazing people but I learned some amazing things as well.
Here is some of my favorite things I learned...
~"We are all given talents and abilities and 24 hours in a day.  It is up to us to use them" -Tyler Tolson
~we each have our own personal "brand" or how people see us.  Personal branding leads to relationships, trust, mutual success, and follower loyalty
~"Power is always at play in relationships" -Matthew L. Sanders
~"The people closest to you are the ones you can hurt the most.  BE CAREFUL!" -Sanders
~Best way to increase power (influence) is one on one
~the question if I am the 2/10 who enjoy what I am doing
~the four principles to succeed are Preparation Investment Persistence and Execution
~"Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of odds against them" -Robert Jawik
~"if you are not moving forward you are moving backwards" -Chinese Saying
~expectations are what we live up to, those who see things different defy expectations and create their own expectations and change the world!

Here are some of the lovely people I met the last two days
Trent and his girls

Hanging out during service

some of my group

We weeded for service, like, a lot of weeds

Christian who claims he isn't very good at the piano and then goes up there and whips out some amazing piece I could only dream of playing

the ENTIRE group

He was really good at blowing up balloons

our attempt and making a tower at balloons (well the beginning of our attempt)

Over all I loved my two days at Aggie Blue! I had so much fun and learned so much! Oh and I got a twitter! Follow me! @MKasteler

one final word of advice from Aggie Blue...

Whatever you do from here on out, change the world

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A New Chapter

In case you didn't notice I just recently changed a lot about my blog, the design and title!  There is a reason for this.  Today I moved out.  For 12 years I have lived in the same house, but now I am no longer living there.  I am going to college at Utah State University and I am hoping to study nursing.  This is a new chapter in my life so I felt it fitting to change my blog a little bit as well.

The new name of my blog is "light to shine"  I chose this as my new blog title because I think that we all have so much to offer the world.  We each have our own light and it is our job to shine!  That is my new goal! I, just like all of you, have amazing potential.  Now is the perfect time to realize my potential and become the woman I aspire to become.  Now is my time to let my light shine.  That is the reason behind my new blog title.

Not only am I blogging about the changes to my blog but I also wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who helped me get to this point.  Not too long ago I didn't believe in my individual light.  However, thanks to some very wonderful people I began to realize that light, the light in all of us.  I first off want to thank my friends who have been there for me for the last few years and have dealt with all my moments of self discovery and also my moments of doubt.  I would also like to extend my gratitude towards those who have been introduced into my life recently, believe it or not you still made a huge difference in my life.  This past year has been the hardest year of my life, but at the same time it was one of the best years of my life.  Through great trial comes great blessings.  Thank you all who have been such great friends, you helped contribute to the many blessings I have received.

Now is the moment that I have been dreading the most about this post.  In my mind, and on the screen, I have written this many times.  Now is the time that I say goodbye to you all.  The future lies ahead of us and I am so excited to see what it brings.  If my future and yours end up not colliding this is my goodbye to you.  I am so lucky to have known each of you in my life.  I do hope that years down the road we can reconnect and talk just like old times.  But if that day never comes, know that I love you all! Words cannot express the amount of respect and love I have for each of you, thank you for letting me get to know and associate with you.

Now is the time to turn the page in my life, a new chapter is beginning, one full of amazing opportunities here at Utah State.  I am running to meet it....

Monday, August 13, 2012

My favorite things

So I am moving out on Saturday, I will be living with 5 girls I have never met before.... I was thinking, well they don't know anything about me! Well, and some of you might not either... So I decided that (despite a previous post of little known facts about me) I would do a post of my favorite things!

diet coke
Criminal Minds
The Mentalist
spell check
taking pictures
country music
buying, well anything!
playing piano
day dreaming
washing my car
playing with little kids
going to the temple
hanging out with good friends
Taylor Swift!

Speaking of which! Check out her new song!

Friday, August 10, 2012

uh bunch of gurls in the woods

Well! I went to Girls Camp! And it was quite the experience to say the least!

so here's the low down, picture style!

So started out early Monday morning finding out that this lovely young lad would be accompanying us as one of our priesthood leaders for the night. Just the idea that he is old enough to do that made me feel too old for camp (after all I am 18 now;) )

After hours of pouring rain we finally started to dry out! This is just the start of the fun and we were looking forward to a marvelous week.

yet again drying out after the rain... with plastic ponchos in the pockets of our totally awesome iBelieve sweatshirts!

this is all the LITES (YCL) getting ready to greet the incoming wards Tuesday morning 

This is us again.... probably the only picture with all the LITES in it

we decided to have a little fun with the masks.... between Kellie's glasses and "over botoxed" face, to Elizabeth's mustache and then my overalls and "buck teeth" we had some good times playing some "harmless" practical jokes on some of the unsuspecting wards ;)

Then I got sick.... like really sick.... the cute leaders decided to wash my hair after I had thrown up like 20 times... this was no small task considering we had no warm water.... so the boiled some for me.  And yes this picture was taken at like midnight

Overall camp was great! I am so happy that Kellie asked me to come with the Stake.  I did end up going home Tuesday night since I was so sick.  But I really did learn a lot the few days I was up at camp and had many amazing experiences. That is why my testimony grew so much.  I was also so blessed to be able to return to camp Thursday night for testimony night.  I am so blessed to have a testimony of the gospel.  We did this thing at camp called an "iBelieve Declaration" here's mine:

I believe in believing.  I believe that believing is the first step to knowing.  It took me a long time to get past my first believes into my first knows.  When I finally decided to stop relying on other peoples testimonies to get me through life it was then that I prayed to know for my self.  And I got an answer! I know that the church is true! I know that we have prophets on the earth today who help guide us and protect us.  I know the receive inspiration from God.  I know that our Heavenly Father loves us.  I know that Christ suffered for us on the Cross.  I know WITHOUT A DOUBT that families are forever.  I know that Joseph Smith restored the gospel to the earth and that the Book of Mormon was translated by the power of God.  I know that the Bible is also a work of God.  I know that I am a daughter of a God who loves me and understands my worth.  I know that He will also answer my prayers.  I know that the tender mercies of the Lord are all around me.  I know who I am and where I am going. I know without a doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church!  

Monday, July 23, 2012

This time it really is my birfday

Well it is true, I have officially turned 18! I have now entered the realm of adulthood. I hate to say it but it was not as exciting as you might think. I had an awesome birthday I went boating with the singles ward (crazy!), went to Draper Days, got a crock pot!, and ended the evening by spooning with Ben and Jerry while watching Say Yes To The Dress.  Overall the day was marvelous.
I was kinda hoping that by becoming an adult I would feel ready for the major changes that are coming so quickly in my life. Well it didn't. I feel no more prepared today then I did a few days ago, in fact I may be even more nervous!  As of right now I move out in 25 days.  I am still getting used to saying that I am moving out! It is still a foreign concept to me!
On the bright side I received a wonderful letter from an amazing missionary!

Friday, July 6, 2012

What you might not know is....

Well It's been a while since I have posted and I have gone through blog withdrawals... So a little update on my life since graduation: I was in Lake Powell for two whole weeks! I had so much fun and really enjoyed being on the water and being with some really good friends.  After a close encounter with almost sinking our houseboat I was more then relieved to be home by the time all was said and done. This past week I have loved getting to spend some girl time just me and my mom, that right! We have been the only two home this whole past week!  It has been great.  Other then that my life has been pretty uneventful.

To keep this from being too boring of a blog post I am going to tell you some little known facts about myself...

so here goes...
-I love popcorn
-my little toenails don't grow
-I love being a white girl with freckles
-I only wear push-up bras
-I have had my heart broken many times by my supposed friends
-I have a secret crush on boys with (good looking) mustaches
-I love to sing
-I am completely addicted to Diet Coke with lime
-my biggest regret of high school is that I was never actually in student gov.
-I am deathly afraid of spiders
-I pray every night for a cure for cancer
-I visit a certain unmarked grave about twice a week
-I once sneezed and hit my head on my steering wheel
-I think men should always pay when on a date
-I usually read a book a week
-I cry in movies all the time
-I have had two spots on my face removed to be biopsied for cancer
-I've never been pulled over
-I really want to go skydiving
-I love going to weddings
-I am an expert at changing clothes while driving
-I have a terrible temper that is often aggravated by lack of sleep
-I need a crazy amount of sleep to function
-It took me two hours to come up with this list

Maybe I'll post more later... but for now leave a comment/question with something you have always wanted to know about me!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Guess It's Time to BLOG About It

Well senior year is over, so it is time for a bucket list update!
here goes!!

1. go to the homecoming dance  CHECK!

2. stay employed  CHECK!

3. get accepted to school  CHECK!

4. go bridge jumping

5. kiss a boy

6. ride in a limo  CHECK!

7. go to Europe

8. fall in love    CHECK!

9. write a story     CHECK!

10. road trip with friends

11. go to a haunted house

12. be asked on a date CHECK!!!

13. break something HAHAHAHA CHECK!!!

14. sell a piece of art

15. sell the car (THIS WEEK BABY!)

16. learn to sing

17. audition for something  CHECK!!!

18. take an amazing picture   CHECK!!!

19. plant a tree

20. make new friends   CHECK!!!

21. become a leader  CHECK!!!

22. be loved  CHECK!

23. write and record a song

24. perform a solo on stage  CHECK!

25. have a lightsaber battle CHECK!

26. save some money  CHECK!

27. make a quilt CHECK!

28. buy a bike CHECK!!!!!

29. graduate  CHECK!!!!!!

30. get a scholarship  CHECK!

31. go to the hot springs

32. sleep under the stars

33. throw away a pair of shoes  CHECK!

So obviously I could have done better, however, that being said, I think that this year exceeded every expectation I had.  I have had so many wonderful opportunities.  I would not trade one moment of this year for anything.  I wanted to thank a moment and thank anyone and everyone who has made a difference in my life this year.  The SBO's, PLT, my teachers, my friends.  Thank you for everything you have done to make me one of Alta High's success stories.  This year has been like a dream, so much good has happened in my life, while it was still the most trying year of my life.  I am so excited to see what the future holds, but I am and will always be a HAWK.

In the words of Emily Clark, "Remember we are one, and we are and always and forever will be ALTA!"

My graduation speech!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

one last day.

Well, the time has come. Graduation is tomorrow. I can't believe it's here! It has been one of the most amazing years.  I can't believe this is what I have done with my life.  Tomorrow I will walk with my graduating class and that will be the end of high school. I wish to thank all who have influenced my life this year.  Words cannot describe how much this year has changed me.  I will forever remember my time at Alta High School.  It has been a pleasure.

Here's to the Alta High School Graduating Class of 2012.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

See ya in 2!

Love you Elder!
My Dear Elder William Stacy Ebenezer Maurer,

Congratulations on this big step in your life. You are going to be a fabulous missionary! Today at your "farewell" you gave one of the most emotional talks I have ever heard.  Your conviction for the gospel was evident as you proclaimed your beliefs to a large crowd of your loved ones.

Stace, you will never know how much you have impacted my life, and for the better.  I remember you when you first moved into the ward, you had dark hair and to all us girls who had grown up with the other boys you were like an exotic bird.  It took me a long time to really feel comfortable here, and you helped so much.  A couple summers ago you, Brig and Lex kinda took me in. We did so many things! From bonfires to cabin nights it seemed like you were always inviting me somewhere. Because of that summer I changed my life around, I really came out of my shell.  Thank you for teaching me how to be accepting of everyone and how to be a true friend.  That's what you are, you are a true and amazing friend.  I owe so much to you and your love and kindness.  Thank you so so very much for always being someone I can talk to.  You really are someone that I feel understands some of my struggles. Thank you for helping me through them and never judging me.

Now, just like I told Nick, remember as you are going on your mission, that you are a Son of our Heavenly Father, and he loves you. You have made some great decisions in your life and I believe that with the time you have left you will continue to make great decisions. However, the devil is a cunning man and will do what ever it takes to bring you down. DON'T LET HIM! You are too great a person and we need people like you to proclaim the good word of the gospel.

Stacy you are going to have an amazing two years.  There is so much to look forward to.  The Lord loves you, your family loves you, I and many other people love you.  Now is the time to go and do the work.

All my love, Maegan

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sometimes We like to creep.

"Sometimes you just need a good creepin" -Emily Clark
"People are ment to be used" -Aly Zollinger

yearbook, good times ;)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cancer Sucks, God is Great

Sometimes I like to wonder why life is unfair, why a just God would allow his children to suffer. I have watched many people fight this horrible disease called cancer.  I watched my own father die in front of me. I watched my aunt battle with it for 6 years until it finally overtook her. I've watched my dear friend Tiff struggle as well.  And now another person close to me has contracted this disease.  It seems like the doctors will only tell you one of two things; one, its a virus, two, you have cancer.

HOWEVER, through it all I have discovered that God is just. He loves each and every one of his children.  He will not allow us to go through things that we can not handle.  It is natural to wonder why, to question the method of this madness, but we cannot let us loose sight and focus on the Lord.

Cancer doesn't just affect the patient, it effects everyone around them.
We fight with you.
Christ fights with you.
You are never alone.

Love ya Lex! <3 13

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ER trips and good friends

I broke my arm.  Yep that's right. Broke. And to make my story even more dramatic it was 11:30 at night while I was on a date.  My adorable date had to drive me home (in my own car) so my mom could take me to the ER. He was so sweet and defs totes one of my favorite guys I've ever taken on a date. So after multiple xrays and two hours I was given a loritab and 800 mg of ibuprofen and sent home.

one thing I've learned.  I have the best friend a girl could ask for.
Braden was the most chivalrous date ever
Kayla curled my hair
Sara made me brownies
Ryan brought me delicious orange rolls
Bee took me to my photo shoot and carried around all my stuff
Shayna made me cookies
Syd washed my hair in the kitchen sink

I am immensely blessed.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To me you'll always be 18

I love this song with all my heart.  When I listen to it, it somehow makes me feel beautiful.  Sometimes.  This song brings back memories of chances I missed, but chances I took as well.  I miss some of the friends that I am not close to anymore.  I miss having them in my life.  So this is to all you who we aren't as close as we used to be.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oh dearie...

oh dear.  It has been much too long since I have posted! so here is just a quick update on me...
Today I went shopping for dorm stuffs and will continue to do so tomorrow.  I am attempting to decide where to get my senior pictures done.  Life is moving fast and I often look back and wonder how I ever made it this far.  Life is good! Fourth quarter just started which means we are in the final downhill slide till graduation.  Right now it is spring break.. instead of going anywhere I am working... every day. I am way excited to get the paycheck!

Love you all!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I dreamed about you

Last night I had a dream about someone.  I used to be really close to this "someone".
But circumstances arose that separated us.  We no longer talk everyday, I no longer get their amazing hugs on a daily basis.
I miss them.
I don't think this person would know this was about them if they read it.
You know that feeling when you wake up from a great dream and you so wish it was reality? yep, that's exactly how I felt this morning.
It made me really think about the friendships that I have lost and gained this year.  Sometimes I wonder if I am really doing what is best, what is right for me.
I wonder if I have made the right decisions, loved the right friends, and done the right things.

Life is a process.
Thank you to all who have stayed in my life despite everything.
I know I am where I am supposed to be.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
I am getting stronger 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Invisible Children

I once found out about an area of the world called Darfur, where children were abducted and forced into military service.
The leader behind this is a man by the name of Joseph Kony.  He has made it his goal to have power and do so  by any means necessary.
The Invisible Children group has a promo video about this man.  The group hopes to make 2012 the year of his arrest.
This is the video.
It will change your life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

I sure have talented friends!

So it seems like lately I have been doing a lot of almost "sales pitch" like posts... Well here's one more! I have some awesome friends who started this band called "Cahoots" and they are WAY good!!! I'm just thinkin that you really need to check out their stuff. This last weekend the performed at The Coffee shop and some of the songs the performed are on this youtube page
I'm just sayin they are amazing!
Here's my favorite song!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It shouldn't make me angry. But it does.

Its Nights Like These...

So today I "won" tickets to the first round of the High School Boys Basketball Playoffs.  Not only were they tickets they were VIP tickets! Haha I had so much fun! It helps that our team won!
There were so many great moments about tonight... so here's a list...
~scream singing in the car (haha a little T-Swift and many man bashing songs)
~hanging out with awesome friends
~SITTING at a basketball game in comfy chairs
~Taking tons of pictures
~VIP entrances, elevators, seats, tickets, the whole shebang
~winning the game
~creeping on people
~being yelled at for cheering too loudly
~dance party in the parking lot/blowing kisses to Davis boys (the team we beat)
~McDonalds at midnight!!!
~staying out late on a school night
~being HAPPY!!

So over all it was a great night!

on a serious note.
Tonight a Jordan High School student passed away in a roll over car accident on state street.
He was 17 years old.
My thoughts, prayers, and love go out to his family and all his friends and the general student population at Jordan.
I know what it feels like to lose a Grandparent,
a friend,
and a parent.
May you all find comfort in knowing that heaven is a little bit better tonight now that a precious son of God has returned home.
And to the passenger in critical condition, we pray for their speedy recovery.