Monday, December 31, 2012

Something I have been dreading

I have neglected my blog.
I was thinking about this fact today and I discovered what I think is the reason.
I have nothing to say.

So here's a video of a moment that I dread but that hopefully will turn out as wonderful as this...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I've said Hello and Goodbye

It has finally (almost) come to an end. The first semester of my college experience.
This semester has been quite eventful. I have met so many wonderful people and made many lasting friendships.  At the same time I have said goodbye to some amazing people.  One of my best friends passed away.  I am also getting ready to say goodbye to many people I have met up here.  I feel like I just met them and it is already time to say goodbye.  I am so grateful for the lasting friendships I have gained over the past few short months. Also this semester I have had one job, quit that job, gotten a different job, been accepted to be on A-Team next year, had a calling, and I have also learned a lot about myself.  I am so excited to continue going to school up here.  Utah State University has literally been the best decision I have ever made.
The boys gave each other haircuts

My dear friend Elder Johnson

Went and saw I Believe in Christmas with some amazing friends

Christian, one of my first friends up here was an elf in the play

Missed this kid a lot and was so happy when I saw him again

we have lots of fun... and Christian stole my phone

My roommates enjoying the pleasures of an evening to relax

Another dear friend Elder Lant, Had to say goodbye to him

met one of my hero's Michael McLean

Went bowling and surprised myself with my score

Some amazing people, the last time all of them will be together

Date night gingerbread house decorating contest

late night McDonalds run

another boy I have missed a lot since moving
life is good

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How terrible it is to love something death can touch

Today I lost a dear friend.
Tiffany was and is one of the most amazing people I have had the privilege of knowing.  She had the brightest smile and was so caring.  I loved going to lacrosse games with her and seeing her when she would come visit my sewing class.  She was such a sweetheart.  I love her to pieces and know I would not be where I am today if it weren't for her. She helped pull me through the passing of my father and she taught me how to be happy through the hardest times.  Word cannot describe the pain I have felt hearing of her passing.  Tiffany touched my heart, and I have been forever changed.
I love you Tiff!

How terrible it is to love something death can touch.