Monday, October 29, 2012

Frau Miskin would be proud!

Well work.  The word its self intones so many things.  Today I had an interesting day at work.  First off I answered lots of weird calls, and called some weird people too.  One call that I sent out came back as the number to the "Mental Health Hotline" which then gave me options to further my treatment.  It is also surprising to me more and more the strange things people name their children.  Its like, do you want your child to be beat up for the rest of their life? But honestly.. The kicker of today was I took a German call.  The boy who sits next to me has gotten lots of Spanish calls which is great since he speaks Spanish   During training I mentioned passingly that I spoke some German, my trainer responded that I would probably never use it. Well today I did.  This kind old man answered my call with Guttentag and then asked Sprechen Sie Deutsche? To which I happily responded ya. I then commenced, with my little remaining German knowledge, to convince him to pay off the entirety of his loan! You should have seen the look on my co-workers faces! Mouths dropped, and people stared.  And then when they found out I made the collection? Shock was the expression on everyone's faces! Haha made my day! The man was really so nice to me... even though it took me about 4 tries to say anything.

Well that's work for ya!

Gutten nacht!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tomorrow, Everything Changes.

I start my new job.
I am so excited and so blessed to have this opportunity.
It is hard to find a job in Logan.
This is my first FULL TIME job.
I am nervous.
I am super excited.
Its going to be a long day.

18 credits
and a full time job
plus 2 council positions in the service center
Am I crazy?

Monday, October 15, 2012

So I met this boy....

The week before I started my Freshman year of college up here at USU I went to Aggie Blue Leadership Training.  There I met this great boy named Christian Hobbs. We shortly became good friends.  We went to the USU vs UNLV football game and sat together.  Christian had told me he was from Preston Idaho so I asked him if he ever went to Franklin Idaho.  He seemed surprised and told me he was from Franklin (which is a small town of 643 people). I told him I had been to a family reunion there once because my family was the family that originally settled Franklin. He seemed even more shocked and exclaimed that his family had founded Franklin as well.  After a few calls at the beginning of the next week with my lovely grandmother I discovered that Samuel Rose Parkinson is my great some-what-odd grandfather who was asked by Brigham Young to settle Franklin.  I sent a text to Christian asking if the name Parkinson rang a bell. He called me and asked me if I was joking, when I replied no he told me he was a Parkinson too!
Crazy right?
So as far as we can tell Samuel Rose is about where the families split.
So about 5 generations back
with 3 name changes
and an adoption thrown in there
we are related.

Its a small small world (:
yup, this pretty much defines our relationship

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dresses for All

Well it has been one of those really rough days in the land of Maegan.  It has been long, exhausting, and just overall stressful. And it isn't even class that has got me down, its life. Money especially.  I had to go grocery shopping so that was an adventure. That is why I want to win this contest from my favorite on-line clothing company ever! It is called Shabby Apple.  Here is a link if you to want to enter the contest A Year of Free Dresses

And with that have a marvelous night!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Today in between sessions of conference I decided to stick to my tradition of making a batch of sugar cookies. Little did I know that this would lead to making a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Little did I know that this would then lead to making a batch of ginger snaps.  In total we made 182 cookies. You could say I have missed Sunday baking sessions. Thanks to Lauren, Kevin and Mitchell for helping in my endeavor.

BBFFTAAE for bestest best friends for time and all eternity :)

Heeeeyyyyy!! This is Lauren. Maegan's bestest best friend. Like ever. :) So, I'm not really creative this way, so we'll see how this goes, yes? Ok. I've been home this weekend for general conference and the announcement about the missionary age change kinda blew my mind! I turn 19 in six months and it's super weird that I could go on a mission if I choose. We'll see about that, I guess :) I shall be pondering that in my heart.
Time for a random subject change! I'm in LOVE with dancing!!! It has become my passion. The more I practice, the more I just want to keep doing it :) Currently, waltz is my favorite, but it changes approximately every 2.3 hours, give or take 47 minutes... One day, I hope to be on the BYU ballroom team. It's been my dream since I was 14 when I first saw them perform. That concert convinced me to give up ballet for ballroom :) By the way, I love smiley faces :) Like a lot :) Just so you know :D
Hmm, what random things to say next... I bought my first ever pairs of skinny jeans today! Wahoo! They're bright red and dark green. That was pretty exciting! Except the first pair I tried on was too tight... stupid dancer calves and lack of a butt... :P
If you're still reading this, I'm very impressed with you! Congrats, you're now my new favorite person :) But not as favorite as Maegan, of course. She's my favoritest. Anyways, sorry I'm not very creative this evening. I should probably sleep more. Maybe I wouldn't fall asleep in chemistry every time...I guess that's enough of my dorkiness for you! Hope you enjoyed my post full of randomness and my lovely quirks. That's all folks! :)
(this is the reason we are bestest friends forever)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Susan Glenn

"She is not A GIRL, she is THE GIRL"

Last week I went to a follow up session for Aggie Blue.  Christian Thrapp gave a wonderful lecture to us about "Susan Glenn".  Basically he compared the girl in this video to our goals and ambitions for life.  He challenged us all to never look back and think "If I could go back I would do things differently."

So... I was thinking about what my "Susan Glenn" is... and honestly I don't think I know quite yet.  I do know that I want to make a difference.  I do not want to sit idly by and watch as the world changes around me.  I want to be the change.  My "Susan Glenn" is still to be discovered, but I am doing my best to find my passion, my ambition, my goal for life.

Here's to finding your own "Susan Glenn"
to living the life you always wanted to live.