Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Right of Passage

Well today I hit a momentous milestone in my life.  I tried, for the first time, the famed Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.   It all started yesterday during my office hours in the Service Center here at USU. Somehow we got talking about them and I foolishly admitted that I had never tried one.  Obviously this came as a shock to my friends since the PB&J is the American kids staple food. So today when I was back in the office Amy decided it was today that I must try this "amazing" sandwich.  On trip to the hub later we had all the makings for my first sandwich.  So here is the picture proof that I did indeed bite into the concoction.  Lets just say, it won't be my go to meal of choice but overall it wasn't too bad.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

the why?s and the WHY!!!!s

In my institute class we have been discussing the different ways that we ask why? Well my teacher Bro Fillmore has narrowed it down to 2 main ways to ask.  The first is the tentative, answer seeking, humble way.  The one we use when we sincerely want to know the answer.  The second is filled with anger and contempt with a dash of unwillingness.  So. Today I was thinking about this.  I do not find it to be a coincidence that today marks the 3 year anniversary since my Dad was diagnosed with cancer. This is something that I have been fighting a lot with lately. I find myself on a daily basis asking the WHY!!! and not wanting an answer.  It has been truly humbling to turn around and ask the why? instead. I still do not know the answer to that question, but I am looking.

so what kind of whys are you asking?