Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Here's to the Scoutmasters

"Not all of us are going to be like Moroni, catching the acclaim of our colleagues all day everyday.  most of us will be quiet, relatively unknown folks who come and go and do our work without fanfare.  To those of you who may find that lonely or frightening or just unspectacular, I say, you are "no less serviceable"  than the most spectacular of your associates.  You, too, are part of God's army.
Consider, for example, the profound service a mother or father gives in the quiet anonymity of a worthy Latter-Day Saint home.  Think of the Gospel Doctrine teachers and Primary choristers and SCOUTMASTERS and Relief Society visiting teachers who serve and bless millions but whose names will never be publicly applauded or featured in the nation's media. "In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve buy how.  In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one takes the place to which one is duly called, which place one neither seeks nor declines.""
-President Howard W. Hunter
Tonight in Institute after reading this quote I kept thinking about my dad.  He was a scoutmaster for 10 years in my Home Ward.  He will most likely never be largely recognized for a lot of what he did.  I received a letter from Nick Crump shortly after his passing in which he said of my dad "Your dad will forever be in my memory as the brave, fearless, burly, but teddy bear-like scoutmaster who I have looked up to and loved.  I am honored to be one of his scouts.  And one of the 40+ kids to receive their Eagles through him!  Your Father will never be forgotten.  His memory, and legend will forever live on." If this is all the recognition my father ever receives is living on in memory and legend in these boys eyes then I know my dad would be happy and content with his life's work. Who are we to look for the gratification of the world? If I can touch on person in my lifetime I will be a very happy woman.  In the words of Ralph Waldo Emmerson "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived- that is to have succeeded." I pray to remember this everyday, to magnify my callings whatever they may be.  To be like my dad.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sickey Chickie

I am sick.  I have been sick for almost a week and I am not getting any better. Friday after class I climbed into my bed and did not get out for more than a bathroom break till Saturday evening when I showered.  Then back into bed I went and did not get out till church today.  I don't know about you but when I am sick all I do is watch movies.  So my post today is my thoughts on the movies I watched this weekend, and there was a lot of them.
here goes....
Clue: I love classic movies and I loved this one too. It was funny and honestly I laughed the entire time, whether that was from the drugs or humor I don't know.

October Sky: I love this movie.  I have known about this movie for a while and have always loved it.  It has been a while since I watched it and I had forgotten how much I loved it.  SO GOOD!

One for the Money: This was funny.  I enjoyed it.  Nothing too spectacular but it was funny.

Like Crazy: So I was really excited to watch this, I have wanted to for quite some time. I was disappointed. I hated the ending. It was boring.  I probably will no watch this. ever. again.

Not Since You: ok, so this is a random movie I found on Netflix that I thought sounded good. It was, well, it was ok.  I enjoyed it.

Princess Protection Program: I am a sucker for Disney Channel movies.  Lets face it I am still a little child at heart.  I loved this! Good clean humor and it was just good, compared to a lot of crap you see now days...

My Best Friends Wedding: this was another good movie.  Funny, mostly clean, a little older... I enjoyed it quite a bit!

American Horror Story: so this isn't a movie, but I have no idea what I was thinking clicking on this one... I turned it off after about 10 minutes... I guess if you are into scary things then knock yourself out but I will not be watching this again. ever.

High School Musical: like I said I love Disney Channel movies.  And this is an oldie but a goodie. You have probably all seen this so I don't need to reiterate how classic this one is.

I like movies, but honestly I hope I get better really soon!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Inspired Guidance

In October 2012 the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, President Monson, opened up the 182nd Semi-Annual General Conference by announcing that the church would be lowering the age requirement for missionary service both male and female.  My reaction was in line with all those who heard this shocking announcement, I was overjoyed.  This put going on a mission on my list of options to consider for my future.  After much prayer and studying I have come to the conclusion that for now I am best off staying where I am at and serving the Lord in different ways.  This has been a very difficult decision for me.  I have slowly watched one by one as my dear close friends who I counted on being in my life for a while longer have received that white envelope in the mail and discovered where they will be serving 18-24 months of their young lives. I have slowly watched them start to leave. And this is hard! I am so proud of all my friends who have decided to serve full time missions.  
After this announcement it was so easy for people to say they would serve a mission. While I am not saying that staying home will be harder then serving a mission but I know I am in for a struggle.  I am excited for the challenge saying goodbye will bring.  I am excited for the challenge of devoting myself to the service of our Lord and Savior back here on the home front.  I am excited to watch all my friends grow and to learn from them. I am excited for the progress of the True and Everlasting Church here on the earth today.  I am excited to be a part of the chosen generation given the great task of expanding the work. I am excited to discover the Lords plan for me to do so. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blessed Beyond Words

Today while walking around campus I was hit with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am so very blessed. Coming up to Utah State University was really hard on me. I've had my fair share of trials over the past few years and moving out was one of them. However today I realized that I have been very blessed as well. I have met some amazing people and have learned so much from them. I am also surrounded by incredible beauty. It has been snowing for a couple days up here and despite the sub-zero temps everything is beautiful.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Karaoke Night.
nuff said.
But really. Tonight was a much needed break from life
no stress
no drama
no dishes to clean up after I ate
And as pathetic as this is while dancing on chairs at Pizza Pie Cafe this evening it hit me how lucky I am to have met such amazing people up here at USU who are as crazy if not more so than I am. 
I mean these are people I met just a few months ago who let me call them babe and doll face. 
The greatest people in the world go to Utah State.
don't get me started on the snow.