Monday, March 17, 2014

A Ring with Meaning (NOT AN ENGAGEMENT RING)

So have two rings that I wear all the time, constantly, I almost never take them off. I did not wear them in Africa and I try to take them off when I put on lotion, but apart from that they are always on my fingers. One stays on my left hand thumb, the other, my right hand ring finger. Both are silver. Both have very special meanings to me. Both were gifts. Both have gotten pretty beat up over the years. One has been on my finger since 2008 and the other since 2010.

The one on top usually resides on my thumb of my left hand. My dad gave me this ring. He purchased it for me on a trip to Washington DC at Mount Vernon. It has stayed on my finger for so long there is indents on my thumb and the ring is no longer perfectly round. Every time I see this ring I think of my dad, and the love he had and still has for me. (cue George Strait song "Love Without End") "Daddy's don't just love their children every now and then, it's a love without end, amen."
The second was given to me at Youth Conference. It stays on my ring finger of my right hand. The concept is the same as a CTR ring (choose the right) that many LDS people wear. This one is special because all the youth in my ward got this ring, many of us still wear them today. Everyone from college students, return missionaries, current missionaries, and young married people still wear this ring. It is scratched and pretty beat up some of the black in the word choice is coming off. But every day I wear this it reminds me that I have a choice, I can choose good over evil, I can choose to be happy, I can choose to be whoever I want to be. I am also reminded of friendships gained through a loving ward. 
They will stay on my fingers for who know how many more years. They are a part of me.