Sunday, September 30, 2012



Maegan is a person that your life will change with a positive effect. The impact she has on your life will make you question if heaven is worth going to if you already have it beside you constantly. Her heart is big, with no hatred at all inside of it only 100% love. She is lovable and a role model for all to be ideally perfect. Her looks will make you believe that God has sent an angel to you.

This is what we do on Sunday nights

Monday, September 24, 2012

I feel obligated...

My beautiful sister Lauren tagged me in a blog post today so I feel somewhat obligated to participate.

1)) Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
2)) They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger
3)) They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers
4)) They must tag blogs with less than 200 followers
5)) No tag backs

Random facts:
1.  I love nothing more then playing the piano
2.  I love to play with little kids
3.  I have an obsession with popcorn
4.  I love to paint my nails
5.  I enjoy picking off my nail polish just as much as I love to paint them
6.  I hate seeing random hairs on peoples clothes
7.  my heart is currently broken
8.  I love diet coke. with lime.
9.  cooking is my passion
10. pomegranates. love.
11. I will own a dalmatian one day

Lauren's Questions

1. If you could travel to any place, right now, where would you go? London England!
2. What is your favorite sport to watch? To play? FOOTBALL, soccer
3. Where do you see yourself in 7.5 years? graduated, married, kids or traveling
4. What is your favorite time of day? the sudden burst of energy right before bed
5. If you could have a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy? I'd just shop (:
6. When and where did we meet? well we are sisters....
7. What color would you say your mood is right now? macaroni and cheese
8. If you were stuck on a deserted island and had to choose one person to be with you, who would it be? MY sister!!!!
9. What is your view of socks? i love my socks... i wear them all the time
10. Where's Waldo? currently looking for a new shirt...
11. Name three things you love about yourself. my hair, my eyes, and myself (:

My questions for my followers
1. Whats your favorite movie?
2. Apples or oranges?
3. Favorite Disney movie quote?
4. Mac or PC?
5. Does the itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini have yellow polka dots or is it yellow?
6. Whats your dream job?
7. What shampoo do you use?
8.  If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
9. What is your favorite flower?
10. Where are you typing this from?
11. Ice cream of popcorn?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wine after Whiskey Carrie Underwood

Once upon a time our world was on fire and I loved to watch it burn
Wild and reckless, never any limits, guess I had a lot to learn
Cause fire turns to ember, embers to ashes that blow away too soon

Now everything’s after you is like having wine after whiskey f
It went from do anything for you babe to you don’t even miss me
Once you’ve tasted a love that strong you can’t go back
And you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

Looking back I guess it was really for the best, still you’re something that I crave
Even though I know it was right to let you go. You’re a habit hard to break
I got used to being high and nothing that I try seems good enough right now

Now everything’s after you is like having wine after whiskey
It went from do anything for you babe to you don’t even miss me
Once you’ve tasted a love that strong you can’t go back
And you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

It’s also watered down like having wine after whiskey
It went from do anything for you babe to you don’t even miss me
Once you’ve tasted a love that strong
You can’t go back and you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

Once you’ve tasted a love that strong you can’t go back
And you can’t settle on anything less
And that’s what gets me. It’s like having wine after whiskey

I feel used, lied to , and stupid. 
But I know that it was not meant to be.
I have learned from my mistakes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It died.

My phone has died. That is right it is dead! Occasionally I can get a text but not often.  I went to the Verizon store yesterday and they told me that there was nothing they could do to help me, removed a bunch of apps and sent me home.  Now my phone is unusable.   So! I took a survey online about the company and explained my disdain. Sure enough this morning I received a call when I was in my water aerobics from the Manager (I believe) of the Draper Verizon store.  He left a voice mail explaining that he had received my review and wanted me to come in today and they would do whatever it took to fix my problem and that he had tried to call me a couple times before it went through.  Then while listening to said message my phone did what it has been doing and spazzed, started pressing random things on my screen and deleted the message.  So, not only am I not in sandy or at a point where I could drive down there and figure out who it was that called but I also no longer have the message to find the guys name or number.  Talk about a major downer! haha

So moral of the story is always express your feelings and you will get what you want from a company ;)

Anyways, now I am virtually unreachable via my phone so FB is where its at!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It turned out NOT to be a day of Labor

Well this last weekend was Labor Day! So I went home. Yeah I know. Exciting. But really it was! Before I tell you all about my weekend here is a little update on campus life...
So REAL classes have started and I made it through the first week! HUZZAH! But really it was amazing! I have been having so much fun! There always seems to be something going on up here so there is never a dull moment.  So last week I went to the USU VS. SUU Football game which we won. (Makes me feel just a tiny bit better about choosing USU over SUU.

And then on Friday was the 80's dance! It was so much fun! Me and Jaylen were the only ones who were still up here so we went together and then walked over to the quad to check out true aggie night ;)

Then on Saturday I went home.  I really did not do much that day... hung out at home, went to lunch at Pei Wei, and hung out with my mom.  That night I went to my dear friend Mitch's house and played a fabulous game called "mole" don't worry if you have never played it they kinda came up with it on their own.  During this game I was escaping from jail and I sprinted full on into a sliding glass door. And I hit hard.  My face (nose), knee, shoulder, and toes all got bruised a lovely shade of purple.  It was so much fun!! Haha and then I got stuck in the window well... I was trying to climb through the basement window and I got stuck. HA! But really.... it was so much fun.  Sunday I went to church in my "home ward".  It was so much fun to see some of my friends! I went to Sunday School with Shayna, Paxton, Weston, Spencer, and Devon.  I have never gone to that class because I was always in Nursery.  I really did enjoy that. Monday was Labor day! And I did nothing. Well I guess I did do my laundry. I really did enjoy just spending some time with my mom lounging around into the afternoon.  Then I went to my family party and brought Mitch with me.  It was a new experience for me, bringing a friend to a family party.  But I really did enjoy it!  We had fun eating, exploring, playing Ping Pong and talking with my family.  It was funny to see what he thought of my Grandparents house.  I have been going there for years.  But he, who was an outsider, was amazed at some of the stuff around the house.  He was enamored with the back yard and the idea that it has a creek running through the back. So while he was taking a panoramic picture, I took a picture of him (hehe he still doesn't know this!)

So now I am back in Logan and I just finished my classes for the day. Tonight Laur and Jer are coming over for dinner.  

Today is also one of my roommates birthday!  Today we surprised her with a cake, roses and a balloon. I just love this girl to pieces even though I have not known her for very long.  She is just a little ball of energy and is so much fun to be around.  She always keeps us on our toes and always has something funny to say.  I love this girl more and more every day! Have a happy birthday Jaylen!