Saturday, March 10, 2012

I dreamed about you

Last night I had a dream about someone.  I used to be really close to this "someone".
But circumstances arose that separated us.  We no longer talk everyday, I no longer get their amazing hugs on a daily basis.
I miss them.
I don't think this person would know this was about them if they read it.
You know that feeling when you wake up from a great dream and you so wish it was reality? yep, that's exactly how I felt this morning.
It made me really think about the friendships that I have lost and gained this year.  Sometimes I wonder if I am really doing what is best, what is right for me.
I wonder if I have made the right decisions, loved the right friends, and done the right things.

Life is a process.
Thank you to all who have stayed in my life despite everything.
I know I am where I am supposed to be.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
I am getting stronger 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Invisible Children

I once found out about an area of the world called Darfur, where children were abducted and forced into military service.
The leader behind this is a man by the name of Joseph Kony.  He has made it his goal to have power and do so  by any means necessary.
The Invisible Children group has a promo video about this man.  The group hopes to make 2012 the year of his arrest.
This is the video.
It will change your life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

I sure have talented friends!

So it seems like lately I have been doing a lot of almost "sales pitch" like posts... Well here's one more! I have some awesome friends who started this band called "Cahoots" and they are WAY good!!! I'm just thinkin that you really need to check out their stuff. This last weekend the performed at The Coffee shop and some of the songs the performed are on this youtube page
I'm just sayin they are amazing!
Here's my favorite song!