Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It died.

My phone has died. That is right it is dead! Occasionally I can get a text but not often.  I went to the Verizon store yesterday and they told me that there was nothing they could do to help me, removed a bunch of apps and sent me home.  Now my phone is unusable.   So! I took a survey online about the company and explained my disdain. Sure enough this morning I received a call when I was in my water aerobics from the Manager (I believe) of the Draper Verizon store.  He left a voice mail explaining that he had received my review and wanted me to come in today and they would do whatever it took to fix my problem and that he had tried to call me a couple times before it went through.  Then while listening to said message my phone did what it has been doing and spazzed, started pressing random things on my screen and deleted the message.  So, not only am I not in sandy or at a point where I could drive down there and figure out who it was that called but I also no longer have the message to find the guys name or number.  Talk about a major downer! haha

So moral of the story is always express your feelings and you will get what you want from a company ;)

Anyways, now I am virtually unreachable via my phone so FB is where its at!

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